Science Communication & Education
The advancement of the geosciences depends on education initiatives that engage broad audiences and promote diversity in our field. I work with a number of organizations to advance science communication and engagement in the geosciences.
Work with Outreach Organizations
Promoting curiosity
I lead place-based and inquiry-driven science programs with UA Sky School to provide K-12 students with an introduction to scientific research.
Incarcerated education
I am also an instructor with the ASU Geoscience Prison Education Program, a graduate student led group that teaches courses at a local prison.
Connecting scientists with policy
I was a co-leader with the Arizona Science Policy Network, a grassroots organization of Arizona scientists working with policymakers to promote science voices in legislation.
Invited Blog Posts
WHOI Underwater Volcano Blog Series
I was invited to join a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) research cruise in January 2023 to report on the expedition to Hawai'i's underwater volcano, Kama'ehuakanaloa.
Post 1: Kama’ehuakanaloa Seamount Hydrothermal Vent Expedition: Expanding Early Career Involvement
Post 2: Taking Kama’ehuakanaloa’s Temperature After Recent Unrest
Post 3: The importance of having a plan B (and C, D, E, and F)
AZGS Volcano Research Blog
I was invited to write a blog post for the Arizona Geological Survey on my doctoral research at Arizona State University.
SciComm Training
From 2022-2023 I was a Science Communication Fellow through AGU's Voices for Science program.
In 2022 I participated in ComSciCon workshop, dedicated to supporting graduate students hone their communication skills.
My pursuit of science communication training and experience was sparked by taking a Science Communication course through the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University.
Scientific Teaching
At ASU I am working toward a Scientific Teaching certificate. This entails taking a suite of courses on pedagogy and science communication, as well as completing a capstone project.
In 2022 I was awarded the ASU Graduate and Professional Association Teaching Excellence Award for my performance as a geology TA.
From 2021-2023 I was the graduate student representative on the GSA Education committee.
Ongoing Projects
Volcanoes in Arizona
an educational zine
Coming soon. I am working on an educational zine (more info on zines here) providing an overview of volcanism in Arizona and the American Southwest.